Get your time back

Here are some of my favorite ways to automate my business and creative projects. Each of these recommendations are platforms that I regularly use (along with cost I pay for them). Click on the links below to get discounts on some of my favorite apps!


For automated bookkeeping…

For proposals and invoicing…

For automated payroll…

For automated sales tax reporting…

Online Course

For managing online courses…

For video editing…


For website hosting…

For simple drip campaigns…

For mass emails…

For wordpress themes…

  • Enfold
    I paid $59 – one-time

For buying domains…

For international communication…

For personalized video messages…

Digital Files

For saving passwords…

For online storage…

For all of my creative needs…

For graphic templates…


For tracking time…

  • Toggl 
    I pay $108/yr

For scheduling meetings…


For throwing a microphone in a crowd…

For virtual facilitation that provides autonomy…

  • Remo
    I pay $1,440/yr

Community Spaces

For live-streaming events…

  • Mevo
    I pay $949 – one-time

For tracking foot traffic and # of visitors…

  • Dor
    I pay $1,088/yr

For coordinating guest sign-in…

For digital signage on sidewalk…

Real Estate

For leasing and property management…

For 3D tours…

  • Matterport
    I paid a videographer $560 – one-time

For virtual physical mailbox…

Book Writing

For selling in-person…

For a simple visual way to track sales…

For optimizing amazon…

For guidance on writing…

For support…

For book promotions…

  • BookBub
    I paid $330 – one-time run

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