We worked with the CEO and leadership team of MentorCloud for 6 months to re-prioritize their community engagement efforts on their platform. MentorCloud is the world’s leading mentoring software platform that enables organizations to optimize employee engagement and spark meaningful mentorship relationships.

Through this engagement, we developed partnerships with organizations around the world, such as the NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center, to run events as part of their joint Mentor Makers movement. The goal of this global effort was to ignite 1 million mentor hours across 50,000 community mentors in support of entrepreneurs.

I have done over 75 events this year and this was by far my favorite!

Director of Events, NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center
MentorCloud Partner

A look at how the platform works

A look at the MentorCloud platform used for the Mentor Makers movement

Throughout the engagement, we developed a community strategy for their product and facilitated 5 virtual Connection Cafe events that brought together more than 500 participants from over 30 countries. Each of these events was branded alongside the unique community we were supporting through MentorCloud.

Participants reported they were 80% more likely to use the product after the events because they felt more authentically connected to the MentorCloud community. In addition, 9.5 out of 10 participants voted the Connection Cafe series as the best virtual event they had ever attended because they were able to connect with the community in a participatory and experiential way.

countries represented by over 500 participants on our events
more likely to use the product after participating in our event
attendees voted the series as the best virtual event they’ve ever attended

In addition to facilitating events for the global MentorMakers movement spearheaded by the NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center, we also led gatherings for groups ranging from university business schools to international entrepreneur ecosystems. For each of these groups, when a virtual event was run, it resulted in a direct increase in new members on the platform and/or new relationships sparked between mentors and mentees.

After facilitating the Virtual Connection Cafes for the client, we provided guidance on product redesigns that would enable a more engaging community experience within the platform. Since this engagement, MentorCloud has gone on to enhance their platform to provide new services and functionality for their users based on the insight gained during our engagement, such as adding the ability to organize Fireside Chats with groups of mentors.

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