We can’t wait to host you on Remo soon!

Remo is an exciting video platform that allows us to create interactive opportunities for engagement. Our goal is for participants to be active contributors rather than passive consumers during the event.

We don’t want folks sitting back like a traditional webinar. Instead, during the event participants will be able to meaningfully connect and interact around topics of discussion that matter most to them. And that’s where you come in to help!

Below are some helpful tips for you to ensure the event creates as much impact for our participants as possible.

Part 1: How to Use Remo

There are two parts of Remo: (1) the floor and (2) the stage.

At the floor, Remo allows participants to freely choose which small group video discussions they want to participate in. Unlike Zoom, you will be able to visually see a floorplan of all the small group tables at the event and avatars of those sitting at each table.

At the stage, we will be able to present to the entire audience at once. This is similar to a webinar presentation where a few speakers address a large audience. The one big difference is that participants can be invited to join on stage to engage in conversation. Depending on the agenda of your event, we will use this function for different purposes.

Part 2: Special Remo Privileges

If you are a speaker or table host for the event, you will be given early access to the event. You will receive the invite from Remo, so check your spam if you haven’t received the email. Once you’ve been invited, you will access your event ahead of time by clicking on the green button on your event page that says ‘Speaker Login.’

  • Before the event:
    • Set up your profile with any relevant links (Linkedin, Calendly, website, etc).
    • Change your name from “First Last” to “HOST: First Last” which will help participants easily identify who is a table host or speaker during the event. (Your event coordinator may decide to use a different word such as COACH or MENTOR)
    • You can log into the event at any point before the start to test out the platform and get familiar.
    • If needed, visit http://geartest.remo.co/ to test your browser and computer. We encourage you to use Chrome, Firefox or Safari for the best experience.
    • Please plan on arriving at least 15 mins before the event starts to connect before participants arrive.
  • During the event:
    • When we are on stage presenting to the entire audience, you will have the ability to come on and off screen at any point by simply turning on your camera and microphone. Please do NOT come on screen until the event host invites you up.
    • Once we go to the tables, you can then freely move around and turn your camera on at that point. If you are hosting a specific table, be sure to click on that table as soon as possible.

Part 3: Hosting Table Discussions

As a table host, you play a critical role in facilitating connections and guiding conversations amongst participants. Throughout the event, participants will be freely joining in and out of the tables, so there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • What should I talk about:
    • As a host, your job is to guide conversation, not share a presentation. Don’t feel like you need to have all the answers.
    • Use this time to encourage table participants to share what they are naturally curious about. A few ways to start that conversation could be:
      • “What has your experience with X been?”
      • “What struck you about what the speaker shared?”
      • “What questions do you currently have around this topic?”
      • “What connections are you looking for that will help your journey?”
    • If someone is dominating the conversation, invite quieter participants by name to share their thoughts. This is helpful to ensure that it’s not only you talking the entire time at the table.
  • When someone first joins your table:
    • Remo will play a ‘door knock’ chime to signal someone has joined your table.
    • Welcome guests by name to make them feel seen and included in the conversation, otherwise they might feel like a ‘fly on the wall’.
    • Share a quick summary of what is being discussed and ask if they have a perspective or question to join into the conversation.
  • If no one is joining or someone leaves abruptly:
    • It’s ok when people leave your table – the event is designed for people to bounce around to make connections. Don’t take it personally.
    • When we first breakout to table discussions, you might find yourself at a table by yourself. Give it a few minutes to allow for participants to find your table + topic as they need time to get oriented with the platform.
  • Sharing resources, content and connections:
    • There is a chat specifically for your table where you can share links.
    • Each table has a whiteboard where you can upload content, including pdfs, websites, videos, and custom content.
    • Invite participants to follow-up with you outside of the event by clicking on your Remo profile which can have links to your Linkedin, Calendly, website, and email.

Depending on the flow of the event, there might be an opportunity for you to give a quick overview of your work and topic to the crowd. Your event host will share more specifics about how the agenda of the event will go.

Part 4: Preparing as a Speaker

If you have been asked to speak during the event, here are a few things to know in preparation:

  • Sharing your screen:
    • You can share your screen when presenting. We have found using Chrome is the best for sharing content because it easily allows you to share another browser tab, application, or window.
  • Engaging participants:
    • As a speaker, the best way to engage participants is through the chat.
  • Schedule a quick tech check:

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