
MotherWorthy is an intimate, year-long program designed for awakening mothers who are fed up with the status quo, ready to get real, and inspired to cultivate change from the inside out. It’s for mothers who refuse to settle for the isolation, perfectionism, and judgment plaguing modern-day motherhood and who are willing to get messy and courageous in the pursuit of a better way.

This circle is for you if:

  • You feel the loss of the village deep in your bones. You know we’re not meant to be mothering in isolation and long for the connection and support of a close-knit, multi-generational community. You love the idea of revillaging but aren’t sure where to start.
  • You see motherhood as sacred, world-changing work. You recognize the essential, consciousness-shaping, humanity-healing value of your daily investments but often wonder whether you’re actually doing enough.
  • Your measures of success are unconventional. You’re more motivated by things such as the wellness and wholeness of your family, the richness of your personal connections, and the healing of the planet than you are by wealth acquisition, fame, or what the neighbors think about the state of your yard.
  • You aspire to parent with consciousness and intention, yet often feel overwhelmed by the unrealistic standards this seems to require of you.
  • You’re committed to personal growth but recognize that there’s only so far you can grow without the support of other sisters on similar journeys.
  • You’ve begun to give yourself permission to examine and meet your needs, fulfill your desires, and invest in the realization of your dreams.
  • The passion in you needs an outlet. Whether you have the heart of a healer, a storyteller, or an activist, you need a safe container within which to practice showing up courageously and speaking your truths aloud.


  • Length: 1 year
  • Apply: October

Spud’s Thoughts:

My friend Beth runs this gathering and has been curating groups like this for the past few years. She’s pretty great and if any of the above calls to you, definitely check out her site for more info.

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