
To find great examples of these businesses we are running an open call for applications. Winning businesses will receive grant funding and tailored support, along with access to advisors, potential partners and investors.

All eligible applications will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers with varied backgrounds and relevant experience. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to join a video-conference interview with a number of reviewers. Up to 15 businesses will be selected to take part in the Frontier Innovators program.

Winning businesses will receive up to $100,000 AUD in grant funding. These businesses will also receive 3-6 months of support, which will be tailored to meet their needs, and delivered by experts in the relevant fields.

A cohort of finalists from each region will also be provided with access to training and mentoring opportunities to help them grow.

Information around local funding opportunities and growth pathways will also be documented and made available to every business that applies to Frontier Innovators.

We encourage anyone that is generating revenue while delivering impact through their work that supports the Sustainable Development Goals to apply. While your business can be based anywhere, your work has to impact people in the Asia-Pacific.

We want this program to support a diverse group of businesses who are doing great work across the region, so your business’s gender balance, location and connection to community will all be considered.


  • Length: 6 months
  • Apply: September

Spud’s Thoughts:

I’ve worked with the group that is behind the scenes for this event – Second Muse – before and they are great. They produce really high quality events and opportunities. Definitely recommend checking this one out.

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