
Kauffman FastTrac equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the business skills and insights, tools, resources, and peer networks necessary to start and grow successful businesses.

Let us help you clear the path from idea to business start. You decide how you want to learn: self-paced and online, in a classroom with peers or in a blended setting.

Kauffman FastTrac® was created by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the largest foundation in the world devoted to entrepreneurship.


  • Length: Start when you want, end when you want

Spud’s Thoughts:

Kauffman Foundation has been one of the bigger orgs to support and catalyze eship around the country. Their latest tool – FastTrac – is designed to let you explore at your own speed. You need to signup for their site before you can see much of what FastTrac is really about. So if you’re curious, just create a quick account and then you’ll be able to see some overview videos of how FastTrac works. The high-level categories of the course seem to fall into one of the following buckets: Ideate, Position, Commit, Refine, Launch.

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